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Should You Stay in Your Job? 3 Questions to Ask Yourself Now

Should you stay in your job_ Red Cape Revolution

Should you stay in your job?

Or is it time to move on?

If you’re asking yourself the question, you’re not alone.

should you stay in your job

On one hand, you might be feeling the itch for change.

And often, the conventional wisdom is that if you want to scratch that itch, your only recourse is to find a new job.

But the conventional wisdom is often wrong.

should you stay in your job--many are wrong

(And when were you conventional, anyway?)

Based on the hundreds of high performing professionals I’ve coached over the years, one thing is increasingly clear:

You don’t always have to leave your company to change your life at work.

In fact, leaving your job without asking yourself these other questions first is like leaving the Super Bowl before the halftime show.

So before you decide to leave, start by asking yourself these three questions.

Should You Stay in Your Job? Answer these questions first.

Question 1: Are you known and liked?

No matter what you do, you probably already are someone at your workplace.

People know you.

In many cases, people love you (why not? just look at you!).

should you stay in your job--people like you

There are few more powerful things than the basic human desire of feeling connected, feeling known, feeling heard.

Don’t discount the importance of working somewhere you have a track record, a reputation, a brand.

That’s not saying you will never be liked somewhere else, of course.

But don’t undervalue the importance of what you’ve already created, right where you are. The relationships you’ve grown and the reputation you’ve earned are worth measuring as you think about change.

Special note to leaders worried about turnover:  One of the simplest, yet most powerful things you can do to retain your best people is to invest your time in getting to know and understand them better. Shut up and listen to what they’re saying–and not saying. Ask deeper questions rather than staying on the surface. Wanting to know and connect on a deeper level is a great antidote to attrition, because people can’t feel valued unless they feel seen and heard.

Question 2:  Do you need to focus energy somewhere else in your life?

I won’t lie to you.

Making a change to a new job or even a new career takes energy, even if the opportunity fairy swings by and makes it seem easy.

Anyone who tells you otherwise has their pantelones en el fuego.

should you stay in your job--don't believe the lies

As humans, we have a limit to how many things we can focus on at once–and not break.

Don’t kid yourself. You’re not a computer, adding a new chip to your brain so you can process more data.

So, take a fresh look around.

Do you have room in your life as it is right now to make a change with confidence?

Or might you need the mental space to focus on something else important to YOU, such as:

  • A relationship you’ve been wanting to build–or repair;
  • The weight loss you’ve been procrastinating;
  • Your family or caregiving issue that’s taking more time; or
  • The community service you do that gives you great joy.

While your work is important to you, you likely have other things that are important, too. Only you can make that call.

But when you’re actively choosing NOT to invest your energy in job change, you’ll create energy for other things.

should you stay in your job-this will blow your mind

Or, when you really can’t make the mental room for change, you know it’s probably not the time to pile on a job change onto the stack.

But wait a minute.

If your work’s not working for you, don’t assume I just let you off the hook.

It’s not true that you should never change your job.

That’d be silly.

It just may mean that in this particular season of life, staying where you are is a conscious and strategic decision.

It may not be the right decision forever.

It just may be the right decision for you, for now.

Need to get clear on what you really want? Check out Get Career Clear, my on-demand video class, here.

Question 3: Are you bringing your superpowers to work?

Why wait to share your greatness?

You don’t need a new job to start wearing your red cape–even if things don’t go right all the time.

wear your red cape

There’s always room where you are right now to apply more of your talents, energies, and special gifts.

It’s never too late in your current job to get clearer on your superpowers, to pitch a new project or role, or even to have a tough conversation to ask for what you need. 

Remember, you control three things: everything you say, everything you do, and everything you think.

And that’s a lot.

So . . . should you stay in your job?

Don’t make a decision without doing a little homework first.

You might be walking away from a situation where you can get everything you want.

Or, using these questions, you might realize that yes, it’s time to move on.

But just don’t fall for the loud voices that flinch at any sign of job unhappiness.

Do the work to actively decide what’s next for you.

And no matter what you’re doing right now, don’t forget that the world needs you, whether in your current job or the next around the corner.

Ready for more help?

If you need help deciding if you should stay in your job, maybe it’s time to work with a professional coach like me.

To find out, just hit the button below, and pick a date and time that’s available for a chat. Answer a few short questions, and then I’ll call you at the time you picked. There’s nothing to prepare–just show up right where you are. If, after we talk, it sounds like one of my coaching programs or courses will help you going forward, I’ll share details after our call. There’s no pressure -my goal is to be helpful immediately.

Spots fill up fast, though, so schedule yours now and start getting the support you deserve.

Schedule your coaching chat now

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To stay or leave your job_ _ Darcy Eikenberg, PCC