My Year Without TV*, and Lessons Learned Along the Way

my year without tv (lessons learned) 2

(*Update: the “year” has now become ten; and counting.) It happened again the other night—this time at a neighborhood party. “Did you see ________ on TV last night?” And I have to smile quietly and answer “no. ” I believe “no” is a complete answer, but in this case, it’s not exactly a fair one. […]Read the full post >>

Doing Good While Doing Well with Angel Investor Marcia Dawood

Doing Good While Doing Well With Marcia Dawood and Darcy Eikenberg Red Cape Revolution

In my work as an executive coach, I see how often we hear ideas that interest us but we stop, thinking “that would be too hard” or “it’s not for people like me.” Angel investing is one of those ideas for me, but I’ve found that today’s “angels” aren’t all Silicon Valley bros. In fact, […]Read the full post >>

“My Skills Are Not Being Utilized” (& What to Do If That’s You)

“My Skills Are Not Being Utilized” (& What to Do If That’s You)

I’m always asking my readers and speaking audiences to tell me their real-world, real life questions about decisions and choices you need to make in your life at work. Here’s one I hear all the time: “What do I do if my skills are not being utilized?” (Personally, I hate the word “utilized” for anything […]Read the full post >>

What to Give People at Work: Unexpected Holiday Ideas for Professionals

What to Give People at Work _ Red Cape Revolution

The clock’s ticking down to figure out what to give people at work this holiday season–and my stress level’s going up. If you’re in the same tinseled boat, here are a few ideas that may kick up your gift-Q without deflating your money-Q. They’re all appropriate for the gift-worthy people at work, too. (Note: Any […]Read the full post >>

6 Things to Be Thankful For at Work (And 3 May Surprise You)

6 things to be thankful for at work Red Cape Revolution

If you’ve had a bad day—or even a tough year—you might be hunting for things to be thankful for at work. We’re thankful of course for the tough jobs others do that keep us all moving forward: healthcare and hospital workers, police and firefighters, delivery drivers, staff in companies such as grocery stores, senior living […]Read the full post >>

Help! I’m Afraid to Ask for More Money at Work (& What to Do If That’s You)

Help! I'm Afraid to Ask for More Money (& What to Do Now _

“I think I’m worth more, but honestly, Darcy, I’m afraid to ask for more money at work. What if it ticks my boss off? Do I look greedy? Or what if she says no? Or even worse, what if I’m wrong and I’m really not worth it? Help!!” If you’ve ever been afraid to ask […]Read the full post >>

Office Politics: What’s Really Going On (& What You Can Do)

“I thought this was my dream job,” Mark told me as he debated whether it was time to leave his company. “But right now, I hate the office politics.” Mark’s not alone. Most of us get annoyed with the crazy junior high dance we call “office politics.” But rather than shy away (’cause truthfully, they’re […]Read the full post >>

How to Be More Valuable at Work (In Any Economy)

How to be more valuable at work Red Cape Revolution

Are you feeling the pressure to be more valuable at work? Maybe you just want to keep your job safe when others are getting cut or temporarily furloughed. Or more likely, you know that your company, client or customer really needs the superpowers you bring right now. But it’s easy to forget about the value […]Read the full post >>

Give to Grow: A Conversation with Mo Bunnell

give to grow with mo bunnell and Darcy Eikenberg Red Cape Revolution

Are you so caught up in doing your work that you’re not winning new work? Or, if you’re in an internal role, are you failing to win the attention and agreement of your peers, leaders, and others–and so feel stuck executing tactics instead of getting new ideas moving ahead? If that’s you, this interview is […]Read the full post >>

Six Things to Think About As You Return to the Office

Six Things to Think about as You Return to the Office- Red Cape Revolution

Thousands of professionals all over the world are getting ready to do something that once seemed impossible: they’re about to return to the office. For those of you whose memories don’t go back very far, the office wasn’t just a sadly funny TV show, but a destination for people to head to when they wanted […]Read the full post >>