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Welcome IABC Phoenix Friends!

I’m so glad you registered for our webinar! If you missed it or want to watch it again, here’s the replay.

Remember, your registration also included an ebook version of my new book, “Red Cape Rescue: Save Your Career Without Leaving Your Job.”

Check your email for details. Also, get my free toolkit to go with the book when you sign up here, or visit and scroll down to “Get Your Toolkit, Free!”

If you find these tools useful, you’re invited to join my Insider Community (100% free). My Insiders get my best career stories & strategies exclusively in email each week. Click here to start so you don’t miss a thing.

If you liked what you heard and read in the book, I’d love your help.

I’d be honored if you’d share a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or LinkedIn, or even with a friend.

  • Reviews and recommendations are the best way for other people to find the help they need –especially on career issues where they may not feel comfortable talking about them openly.
  • To make sharing easy, I have scripts and graphics you can borrow from here.

If you review the book on Amazon, be sure to add the comment that you were offered a copy of the book as part of a webinar registration. That disclaimer makes sure that Amazon doesn’t think you’re trying to fool them—they know you didn’t buy it there! (Of course, if you did buy the paperback or Audible version, Amazon considers that a verified review and gives it even more juice.)

Are we connected on LinkedIn? If not, please do (and add a personalized note telling me we met on this webinar). Then, if you write a post or recommendation, “@ tag” me by using @DarcyEikenberg. That way I’ll see your note!

You’re amazing! If I can support you in other ways, just reach out. Keep soaring!

thank you from Red Cape Revolution