How to Be More Valuable at Work (In Any Economy)

How to be more valuable at work Red Cape Revolution

Are you feeling the pressure to be more valuable at work? Maybe you just want to keep your job safe when others are getting cut or temporarily furloughed. Or more likely, you know that your company, client or customer really needs the superpowers you bring right now. But it’s easy to forget about the value […]Read the full post >>

Six Things to Think About As You Return to the Office

Six Things to Think about as You Return to the Office- Red Cape Revolution

Thousands of professionals all over the world are getting ready to do something that once seemed impossible: they’re about to return to the office. For those of you whose memories don’t go back very far, the office wasn’t just a sadly funny TV show, but a destination for people to head to when they wanted […]Read the full post >>

Watch Your Language: How to Talk to Yourself in Times of Crisis

How to Talk to Yourself In Times of Crisis_ Red Cape Revolution

My big wish for you, my friend, is that you never, EVER have to experience times of crisis again in your life. Sadly, I know that wish probably won’t come true. You and I both know that in our wild world of work and life, a crisis can initiate from the outside at a moment’s […]Read the full post >>

Managing Change at Work? Hit the Reset Button

When we’re managing change at work, it’s easy to get stuck. We can feel lost, confused, and believe we’ll never get to the other side—whatever that looks like. Since managing change won’t go away, we need to learn new skills about how to adapt and thrive. In this video, I share the ways we all […]Read the full post >>

Reset Your Mindset: (VIDEO)

Reset Your Mindset with Coach Darcy Red Cape Revolution-Year of Re

Ready for a fresh start, whenever you’re watching this? Whether it’s January or June, you deserve to reset your mindset. Your mindset In this short video (<3 minutes), I share a strategy you can use to reset your thinking and create the space for anything you need to do. Reset Your Mindset Here’s the transcript […]Read the full post >>

Make the Most of Change: 3 Meaningful Actions to Take Now

Making the Most of Change _ Red Cape Revolution

If there’s anything I know for sure, it’s that the past is gone and the future’s not fully here yet. So what can we do to navigate through our work and lives right NOW? How can we make the most of change that’s happening around us? Binging on an endless diet of homemade sourdough & […]Read the full post >>

What Does A Coach Do? 3 Things You Might Not Realize (VIDEO)

What Exactly Does a Coach Do_ Coach Darcy Explains (b)

So, what does a coach do–really? One of our readers asked this question recently as their manager was offering to “coach” them. In this video, Coach Darcy Eikenberg shares the three things a coach REALLY does (and should do)–whether it’s a full-time professional like Coach Darcy, or someone else in your organization who’s coaching. Listen […]Read the full post >>

Make Work Easier: 8 Experiments to Save Time, Money & Stress

Make Work Easier | Red Cape Revolution

A client who leads a large team now 100% remotely, asked me this: “How can I make work easier for my teams, my peers and even myself?” I paused for a minute, with no simple answers in sight, and no obvious easy button in a time that’s been hard for so many. But as we […]Read the full post >>

Change Creates Opportunity. What Will You Reset?

Change Creates Opportunity Red Cape Revolution

When everything’s changing, there’s one thing that will never change. It’s the fact that change creates opportunity. If situations, people, and attitudes are changing in your world of work, you’re in luck. It’s a perfect opportunity to hit the reset button on whatever’s not working for you, including processes, expectations, and even relationships. Here’s an […]Read the full post >>