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How to Talk Back to Yourself in the Middle of the Night

Worried about your career tonight? | Red Cape Revolution can help

In times of stress, one of the most important things you can do for yourself is to get some rest. But how do you do that if your thoughts are exploding in the middle of the night? It’s time to learn how to talk back to yourself—and get back to sleep.

fancy pillow

We’ve all read the research and know from our own lives that when we can’t sleep, our brains are fuzzy, our bodies are tired, and our hearts are more prone to spurring our mouths into reacting in ways that are not helpful.

But if you’re like me, this isn’t as simple as putting your head down, no matter what fancy mattress or pillow we buy.

In fact, our heads are prone to working overtime, keeping us tossing and turning when we should be sleeping and snoring.

I’m tired of doing this (literally).

So, I’ve been practicing saying different things to myself  when I  wake up in the middle of the night thinking about work, career, or life.

Here’s my list. Hopefully a few of these phrases will work for you, too.

I teach different ways to take back control of how you think in my book, Red Cape Rescue: Save Your Career Without Leaving Your Job. If you’re tired of listening to the nagging thoughts in your head each night, get the book and read (or listen on Audible) and learn ways to take back control of your thoughts.

How to Talk Back to Yourself in the Middle of the Night

Yes, there’s a lot going on that I can’t control. I only control what I say, do, and think, and right now, I can control giving myself permission to close my eyes and rest.

Worry never wins.

Everything I need to do will eventually get done. It has before.

If it doesn’t get done, it’s not the end of the world. The clock will continue to move forward. And things will change. They always do.

I’ll figure it out. I have before.are you awake? maybe new career strategies are in order

If I fail, I’ll just try again.

I won’t fail. I’ll just learn.

I’ve done hard things before. This isn’t any different.

In a month, this likely won’t matter.

In a year, this likely won’t matter.

I’ve worried and obsessed before, and it didn’t change anything.

There’s one thing I can change right now. I can go back to bed.

Sweet dreams!

dan pink endorsement of Red Cape Rescue by Darcy EikenbergGet Red Cape Rescue: Save Your Career Without Leaving Your Job here.

Hey—want more help?

No matter what’s happening in your life at work, a 30-minute chat with me can help you get unstuck and move forward, fast. You’ll sleep better, too, knowing you took an action that made a difference.

Just hit the button below, and pick a date and time that’s available. I’ll call you at the time you picked. There’s nothing to prepare–just show up right where you are. If, after we talk, it sounds like one of my coaching programs or courses will help you going forward, I’ll share details after our call. There’s no pressure -my goal is to be helpful immediately.

Spots fill up fast, though, so schedule yours now and start getting the support you deserve.

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