Full disclosure: I’m not a mom. But as a coach, speaker & writer, it’s my responsibility to pass along the mom-like career advice that I know works—especially the ideas I’ve learned that ensure you create a red cape career.
A red cape career is one where you’re bringing your superpowers to work, and you feel like you’re soaring. It’s when you have the clarity you need, the confidence you want, and the control that helps you take the actions that matter for you.
Now, I am definitely not your mom. But if I was your mom, here’s career advice I’d give you so you can have a red cape career that equals a great life, too.
1. Know that you’re better than you think you are.
Understand that your primal lizard brain is always working overtime to protect you. But you’re a grown-up now, and you can make the right decisions for you.
(My free audio series helps you tackle this battle during times of great change—give it a listen.)
2. If you’re not sure what to do, first, listen to the whispers
You may have to get really, really quiet to hear them. The whispers are always pulling you toward growth. Before you burn out, listen in.
3. You only control three things.
You control everything you say, everything you do, and everything you think. And that’s a lot. (More here.)
4. Don’t get intimidated by the successes of others.
You’re not seeing their pain as clearly as you see your own. Plus, who you are and what you do looks more amazing to others than you think. Perspective matters.
5. Focus on being interested, not on being interesting.
Here’s a few juicy questions to try to follow your interests deeper.
6. Readers are leaders.
Books will show you worlds you’ll never get to know otherwise. Find some here and my own here.
7. Work hard to be on time.
It’s simply a sign of respect.
8. Give others the benefit of the doubt until the facts show there is no doubt.
9. Whenever you’re starting something big, expect in advance that you’ll make a mistake.
The messy middle always happens. Then, when that happens, you can say, “Ah–there you are, mistake—I’ve been expecting you!” That way you don’t have to fume and fuss—you can just move on.
(And don’t worry. Mistakes can be goldmines for new knowledge. Read more here.)
10. Yes, written thank you notes still matter.
11. The clock takes care of everything.
If this day stinks, it will pass.
12. Do what you need to do for you, not for me or anyone else.
13. Don’t let one small issue color your entire day.
It’s like holding a sparkling clear glass of water, and releasing one tiny drop of ink into the glass. That tiny drop colors everything. Empty the glass and fill it up with clean water again.
14. Bad behavior—yours or others’— is just fear in disguise.
Trace the actions back to the fear and you’ll know how to react.
(My video on ways to tackle fear in your career here.)
15. You’re ready now.
You don’t have to be more prepared, better dressed, thinner or smarter. Show up with a plan to listen and learn, and that’ll be enough. You’re enough, and we need you now more than ever.
Hey—want more help?
No matter what’s happening in your life at work, a 30-minute chat with me can help you get unstuck and move forward, fast.
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