Welcome to Your Red Cape CareerCoach Darcy of Red Cape Revolution

Hi! I’m Coach Darcy Eikenberg, the founder of the career & leadership growth firm RedCapeRevolution.com.  In this audio series, my goal is to help you strengthen your red cape career—the one where you feel clear, confident, courageous and in control –even when the world around you feels out of control. (!)

These short snippets aren’t in any specific order, and they’re all under ten minutes. Scan ’em and dive into the ones that feel relevant to YOU.

Now available as a podcast

Plus, thanks to feedback from my Insider Community, we’ve now made this series available on Apple Podcasts & Spotify to make it easier for you to listen, subscribe, and rate this effort!

listen to Your Red Cape Career on Apple Podcasts

listen to Your Red Cape Career on SpotifyI’ll be adding more episodes over the next several weeks based on the questions I’m hearing from my coaching clients and Insider Community (which you can join, free, here.)

What topics would you like to hear covered?  Leave a voicemail (up to 90 seconds) here:

Thanks for being here! –Coach Darcy Eikenberg

Win the Battle of the Brain

Listen and read more on Winning the Battle of the Brain here.

Get Clear on Your Values

We go deeper into clarifying your values and getting clear on what you want in your career in my on-demand video course, Create Career Clarity.

Know What You CAN Control

Watch my video “How to Brag (Yes, Brag)

Read “Mastering the Art of Bragging: You Asked, I Answered”

Notice Where You’re Brave

Read my article, “3 Things I’ve Learned About Courage”

Choose Creativity Over Chaos

My favorite classic (and short) book to help with this is Managing Transitions by William Bridges. (The link takes you to Amazon, and if you buy there, we get a small commission. Unfortunately, it’s not currently available in Kindle or Audible.)

Encourage Someone Else’s Courage

Read my article, “Need More Courage in Your Career? A Dozen Questions to Answer Now.”

Pursue Progress, Not Perfection

Read my article, “Managing the Messy Middle (in Your Projects & Your Career).”

Decide What You’ll Decide

For more, read “The Truth Behind Why Making Career Decisions Is Hard.”

Drop Some Balls

For more, read “‘I Have Too Many Priorities!’ What to Do When That Is You.”

Regrets Reveal Opportunity

For more, watch my video, “Mine Your Mistakes: A Strategy for More Courage in Your Career.”

Think Smaller

For more, read “How to Stay Focused on What’s Most Important.”

Ask for What You Need

Assume Positive Intent

 Sign Your Own Permission Slip

Accelerate Appreciation

Love What You’re Learning

Play the “What If” Game

Affirm the Squirm

Strengthen Your Story

Watch Your Language

Protect Your Progress

Claim Your Stakes

Listen to the Whispers

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