Accepting a Promotion? What to Say & Do Now

Accepting a Promotion Red Cape Revolution

Congrats! You’re accepting a promotion inside your company, and I’m so excited for you. You’ve earned it, and it couldn’t have happened to a better person. Now, as you dive in, a word of warning. Don’t make the same mistakes others have made. The path from here to your promoted happiness isn’t always clear, simple, […]Read the full post >>

Change Your Company’s Culture: How to Avoid Giving In (Or Giving Up)

Change your company's culture_ Red Cape Revolution(1)

Maybe you’ve TRIED to change your company’s culture. You’ve read books. Shared articles. Talked to your friends, and maybe even to HR. After all, you think, there are great people here, doing great work. They deserve better. Um, except for a few of them. Oh yes, them. The bad apples that spoil the whole bunch, […]Read the full post >>

Office Politics: What’s Really Going On (& What You Can Do)

“I thought this was my dream job,” Mark told me as he debated whether it was time to leave his company. “But right now, I hate the office politics.” Mark’s not alone. Most of us get annoyed with the crazy junior high dance we call “office politics.” But rather than shy away (’cause truthfully, they’re […]Read the full post >>

Are You Getting in the Way of Your Team? 3 Warning Signs for Leaders

Are You Getting in the Way of Your Team_ 3 Warning Signs for Leaders_ Red Cape Revolution

What’s the most important thing you must do as a leader? (Note: this isn’t a trick question.) The answer is: to lead. But what does leading mean, really? Ah-ha–that’s when the answer gets tricky. It used to mean you’re in front of the room, telling us what to do. But that’s not what real leading […]Read the full post >>

How Do You Know When It’s Not Working at Work? (The Project, The Job, The Hire, or Anything)

How Do You Know If It's Not Working at Work _ Red Cape Revolution

“How do you know when it’s not working, really?” I was sharing a bottle of wine one evening with team leaders who are struggling through a complicated change management project. The leader who spoke continued on. “I don’t get it. I’ve been part of these changes  before, but somehow, this one’s different. Another colleague waved […]Read the full post >>

My Chat with Mo Bunnell, Author of The Snowball System [VIDEO]

Coach Darcy's interview with Mo Bunnell, author of The Snowball System

So you worked hard to gain your professional expertise and status. You’re great at what you do. And now? To move up, to grow, and to make a bigger impact, your company wants you to be able to sell. Ack! You think, “I didn’t become a [fill-in-your-profession-here] to SELL!” You’re not alone. My friend Mo […]Read the full post >>

When You Don’t Trust Your Gut (3 Questions to Ask)

When you don't trust your gut _ Red Cape Revolution

I’m a big fan of intuition, but here’s one thing I know. You can’t always trust your gut. Sure, that’s a scandalous thing to claim today in an age when leaders are being asked to be more emotionally intelligent, insightful and empathic than ever before. Knowing yourself well–your values, your long-term vision and priorities, your […]Read the full post >>

Author Jennifer Kahnweiler & The Introverted Leader (VIDEO)

Coach Darcy's interview with Jennifer Kahnweiler, The Introverted Leader(1)

Ten years ago, the term “introverted leader” might have painted a picture of a shy recluse, reluctantly serving at the head of her company. Oh, how times have changed. Today, the research is clear—introverted leaders are everywhere, and are powerfully using their own superpowers of quiet strength in today’s world of work. Maybe you’re one […]Read the full post >>