When Back-to-School Means Back to Your Goals: 3 Actions to Take Now

When Back to School Means Back to Your Goals Red Cape Revolution

For kids, back-to-school means buses and backpacks. But for grown-ups like you, the turn of the season might jump-start your desire to get back to your goals—the ones you have for your career and life. We’re suddenly motivated to look at the list of goals and projects we conjured up on January 1 and—after our […]Read the full post >>

What to Do When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything at Work

What to do when you dont feel like doing anything at work Red Cape Revolution

It happens, even to the achievers among us. Sometimes, we don’t feel like doing anything at work. We’re stuck. Frozen, even (and not the Disney kind.) Oh sure, we can hear that teeny voice in our head saying, “Hey! There’s lots to do! Get busy, slacker!” But we just can’t find the right spark to […]Read the full post >>

Watch Your Language: How to Talk to Yourself in Times of Crisis

How to Talk to Yourself In Times of Crisis_ Red Cape Revolution

My big wish for you, my friend, is that you never, EVER have to experience times of crisis again in your life. Sadly, I know that wish probably won’t come true. You and I both know that in our wild world of work and life, a crisis can initiate from the outside at a moment’s […]Read the full post >>

Find More Time for What Matters (Without Working More) [VIDEO]

find more time for what matters - Red Cape Revolution

What would you do if you could find more time for what matters in your career, work or life? What hot projects would get started–or finished? What relationships would be strengthened? How would you bring your superpowers to work if only you could find more TIME? This topic comes up often when I’m coaching successful […]Read the full post >>

How to Build Ordinary Resilience: My Chat with Luis Velasquez (VIDEO)

If there’s anything we need now in our world of work, it’s more resilience. But often, we feel it’s the sole providence of the exceptional, the special, the superheroic. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Meet my friend Luis Velasquez, and watch our conversation about his new book, “Ordinary Resilience: Rethinking How Effective Leaders […]Read the full post >>

13 Ways to Create Career Independence

13 Ways to Create Career Independence Red Cape Revolution

Once again, it’s Independence Day in the United States of America. It’s a good time to remind ourselves of all the ways we can exercise our independence, especially in our career. So, in honor of the thirteen original colonies that bravely started this union, here are thirteen ideas (plus tools) you can use this holiday […]Read the full post >>

Managing Change at Work? Hit the Reset Button

When we’re managing change at work, it’s easy to get stuck. We can feel lost, confused, and believe we’ll never get to the other side—whatever that looks like. Since managing change won’t go away, we need to learn new skills about how to adapt and thrive. In this video, I share the ways we all […]Read the full post >>

Reset Your Remote Team: 4 Fresh Strategies

Reset Your Remote Team Red Cape Revolution

Hybrid? WFH? WTF! Here’s the truth: if you’re a knowledge worker in a large organization today, you’re probably working with some combination of a remote team, sometime, somewhere.   Maybe you’re in the office, but others aren’t. Or maybe you’re all there together–but just for a day or two. Or maybe everyone in your company […]Read the full post >>

Reset Your Mindset: (VIDEO)

Reset Your Mindset with Coach Darcy Red Cape Revolution-Year of Re

Ready for a fresh start, whenever you’re watching this? Whether it’s January or June, you deserve to reset your mindset. Your mindset In this short video (<3 minutes), I share a strategy you can use to reset your thinking and create the space for anything you need to do. Reset Your Mindset Here’s the transcript […]Read the full post >>

3 Reasons to Take a Vacation (Psst: It’s a Career Strategy)

3 Reasons to Take A Vacation Red Cape Revolution

What if the best career strategy you could put in place right now was to plan—and take—your next vacation? Sounds crazy, right? I mean, how can taking time off possibly help grow your career? Haven’t you and I learned that the only way to career success is to work harder, stay focused, and not take […]Read the full post >>