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The Superpower of Appreciation

I’m having a late breakfast by myself in my favorite local cafe this Saturday morning. It’s been a busy, nonstop week, where each morning as I woke at 4 or 5 I’ve tried to make sure to stop and say two words: thank you.

Today when I woke at 9 (!), facing a list full of errands that had been postponed, I caught myself and stopped again to say those magic words. But who am I thanking? God, I suppose.  My family and

friends, of course. My readers and supporters, absolutely–people who’ve bought my book, read my posts, hired me to speak, coach, and do the work I love, who continue to refer and recommend me. There’s even thanks said to my brain, heart, and body that have allowed me to do what I do (although I am struggling to feel thankful for the bunion that keeps reminding me of a week spent in heels).

And then I realized–appreciation is a superpower I value highly, yet must constantly nurture. 

So in practice for that, THANK YOU again for your support of our ideas and activities here at

I can’t say confidently that I’m always in my superpower space of appreciation, but I’m trying. Keep me honest, will you? Thanks.

Download the first chapter of  “Bring Your Superpowers to Work: Your Guide to More Clarity, Confidence & Control” when you register at the top of this page. Buy the book here.