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Understanding the Battle Inside Your Brain (and How to Win It)

How Do You Win the Battle of the Brain (Coach Darcy Answers) Red Cape Revolution

Ever feel like you’re fighting a battle inside your brain? On one hand, you have thoughts that say “I can do this, I really want to do that.” But we’re conflicted, hearing other voices in our head that say, “You can’t do that! You shouldn’t do that!”

It’s exhausting–and holds us back from what we’re meant to do.

You can win the battle of the brain when you take back control of how you think. More here (2 min, 48 sec).

There’s an entire chapter called “Conquer the Battle of the Brain” with scripts and strategies inside Red Cape Rescue. Buy your copy from your favorite online booksellers (including Audible) here.

Click here for a free chapter of “Red Cape Rescue: Save Your Career Without Leaving Your Job.”

How Do You Win the Battle of the Brain?

(unedited transcript)

To conquer the battle of the brain, you have to recognize that there is a war going on.

There is a field of play where part of your brain that is trying to keep you safe -trying to make you play small. And it’s the same prehistoric part that was there in the caveman days. It’s the same part that shoots adrenaline: it’s fear, the fight or flight concept.

But in our modern world, we can’t be fight or flight all the time.

We actually have a quieter part of our brain, that heroic part of our brain. It whispers and we need to magnify and listen to that voice. And be able to talk back to the lizard voice to the negative voice.

And so conquering the battle of the brain is really all about, first of all, recognizing that your brain isn’t always on your side. Sometimes your brain is going to talk you out of the things that you really know in your heart that you should be doing.

So we’ve got to figure out how to conquer the battle of the brain. We’ve got to talk back when we hear those negative thoughts about ourselves.

We’ve got to be able to recognize when we’re making assumptions that are from our old stories from our old habits and be able to break them and be able to move into something that’s more positive and support the voice inside us that says what we want to be what we can do.

Emotion puts us in motion. And negative emotion pulls us back makes us hide makes us feel shame makes us stay small.

But the positive emotion, the forward emotions, help us be able to be more of who we want to be.

So the battle of the brain is certainly one of the most important things you can do. You can train yourself to think differently–right now, in an instant.

There’s an entire chapter called “Conquer the Battle of the Brain” with scripts and strategies inside Red Cape Rescue. Buy your copy from your favorite online booksellers (including Audible) here.

Click here for a free chapter of “Red Cape Rescue: Save Your Career Without Leaving Your Job.”

dan pink endorsement of Red Cape Rescue by Darcy Eikenberg