About this lesson

To get started, we’ll work on making “the whispers” visible. You know the whispers, right? They’re those ideas and questions that are pulling at you, nudging you that something’s not quite right in your life at work.

But until we do the work to make them visible–to call them out, write them down, and keep them in front of us along our decision-making path–they’re nothing more than nagging thoughts.

The videos below include several fast-paced exercises –sprints!– to help you make the whispers visible quickly and effectively. (But don’t forget–you can always pause the videos and take more time if you need it, now or later.) The lesson also includes other resources at the end if you want to go deeper on any of these topics.

By the end of this lesson, you’ll be significantly clearer on your personal vision, values, superpowers, and ideal environment. Plus, we’ll also examine the whispers that may be in your way.

Don’t hesitate to email me with your questions at any time. Let’s get started!

Always, Darcy

Action Tools:

Download the audio only here.

get career clarity now

Action Tools:

What I Value Snapshot

Download the audio only here.

get career clarity now

Action Tools:

My Superpower Sprint  

Download the audio only here.

get career clarity now

Action Tools:

My Ideal Environment 

Download the audio only here.

get career clarity now

Download the audio here

Resources if you want to go deeper . . .