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Why The Red Cape?

why the red cape | Red Cape Revolution

“Why the red cape?” asked a reader who’d just found my book, Red Cape Rescue: Save Your Career Without Leaving Your Job.

Here’s why.

Remember when you were a kid, and you grabbed a towel or a sheet and flung it around your shoulders?

You felt confident. Courageous. In control—even if you only controlled the backyard.

Fast forward to your world of work, where life feels anything but in control.

What if you could have that red cape feeling back again, no matter what’s happening in your world of work?

I believe you can, and my book, coaching, and tools you get as part of my Insider Community here are all about helping you soar through your work and life.

It’s time to confident & even courageous in today’s new world of work—especially when the world feels out of control

That’s why the red cape matters.

Join our Insider Community free & get fresh career tools to keep your red cape career soaring.

It matters because you deserve to soar.

Well, let me ask you this–what do you think of when you think of a red cape?

For most of us, we connect it with power, strength, freedom, even flying.

When Clark Kent put his on, he shed his skin of timidity, his hesitancy—and became Superman.

But he was still the same guy down deep.

why the red cape

For us in the real world, the red cape is a reminder of how it feels when we get clear, confident, and in control of our life at work.

Want more red cape tools? Check out our free tools page here.

(Lest you be confused, we’re not talking about Little Red Riding Hood, although you have to admit she was a pretty brave chick. Remember, she wore a hood, designed for protection and hiding.)

In fact, the red cape changes your entire demeanor and outlook.

Try it right now—grab your (yes, imaginary) cape from the (imaginary) rack.

Shake it out, releasing the dust and wrinkles set in from lack of use. Swing it around your body and fasten it under your neck.

Then look in to a mirror—a real one.

What do you see?

I bet you’re standing taller and exuding more energy —imaginary or not.

It’s a symbol of your superpowers, the talents and gifts you already have inside you that the world is asking for you—starving for you– to bring to your work.

Our work is designed to help you take back control in your career and become the hero of your life at work again.

You gain the power and wisdom to find, understand, and share your superpowers in whatever work you do. And you start to change the world.

What do you need so you can wear your red cape every day, all the time, in your life at work? Join our free Insider Community here and tell me.

wear your red cape

Hey—want more help?

No matter what’s happening in your career, a 30-minute chat with me can show you how to get out of a funk and move forward, fast.

Just hit the button below, and pick a date and time that’s available. There’s nothing to prepare–just show up right where you are. If, after we talk, it sounds like one of my coaching programs or courses will help you going forward, I’ll share details after our call. There’s no pressure—my goal is to be helpful immediately.

Spots fill up fast, though, so schedule yours now and start getting the support you deserve.

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