13 Ways to Create Career Independence

13 Ways to Create Career Independence Red Cape Revolution

Once again, it’s Independence Day in the United States of America. It’s a good time to remind ourselves of all the ways we can exercise our independence, especially in our career. So, in honor of the thirteen original colonies that bravely started this union, here are thirteen ideas (plus tools) you can use this holiday […]Read the full post >>

What To Do Before Your Annual Review (Even If It Seems Far, Far Away)

What to Do Before Your Annual Review _ Red Cape Revolution

For many of us, just saying the words “annual review” sends our nervous system into overdrive. But the best way to lower the pressure is to focus NOW on what to do BEFORE your annual review. Plus, while it’s trendy for companies to talk about shifting from annual performance reviews to continuous feedback, most companies […]Read the full post >>

What Are You Afraid Of? Three Fears Blocking Your Next Career Decision

is fear blocking your next career decision?

I’ve heard it said that all of our negative behaviors can be traced back to one thing: FEAR. I can relate. After my boss announced her retirement, I started stressing out bigtime about my next career move. Her departure forced me to suddenly—and painfully—wake up and admit that the path I was on wasn’t where […]Read the full post >>

I’ve Written the Networking Emails for You (So You Can Start Now)

Written the Networking Emails For You_ Red Cape Revolution(1)

You want me to write NETWORKING EMAILS?  Why would anyone possibly want to network with ME? My heart ached earlier this week when I heard a smart, talented person use those words. This person is thinking hard about what’s next in her career and life. She’s trying to decide whether she can stay where she […]Read the full post >>

16 Reasons to Take a Career Risk Now

worker with a calculator | take a career risk now _ Red Cape Revolution

“This is not a good time to take a career risk.” That’s what I keep hearing, over and over, from smart, successful people who know there’s something they need to do to change their lives at work, but can’t seem to get into action. Instead of acting like the smart, successful people they are, they […]Read the full post >>

How to Get Noticed Without Networking: 5 Simple Actions

Get noticed. Red Cape Revolution can help

Ever wonder how to get noticed more at work and in your profession? Sara did. Here’s her question: “I’d like to get noticed for the good work I’m doing, both inside my company and externally. But I’m kind of shy and I don’t have a lot of time to do a lot of networking. Are […]Read the full post >>

Why LinkedIn Matters (Even When You’re Not Changing Jobs)

Why Linkedin matters _ Red Cape Revolution

Are you harboring this dangerous belief?

“LinkedIn only matters if you’re looking to change your job.”

From conversations with my private clients, students in my online programs, and others in my speaking audiences, I’m hearing this more and more.

Maybe you believe this too.

But it’s wrong. Oh so wrong. […]Read the full post >>

How to Say NO at Work: Thirteen Scripts & Strategies (Plus Free Download)

If saying no makes you nervous (Red Cape Revolution can help)

Click here to download your free guide, “How to Say No at Work” You’ve heard the success advice before: “Raise your hand for every opportunity.” “Volunteer for more projects.” “Say yes to everything.” And that’s all great, with one exception. It’s stupid. (Okay, “stupid” is a bit harsh, especially for a nice person like me.  […]Read the full post >>

Why Separating Work and Personal Email Makes Sense

separating work & personal email

No matter what your politics, you can’t argue with the fact that Hillary Clinton is a pretty bright person. Wellesley and Yale educated. Partner in a law firm. A United States Senator. A Secretary of State. And of course, those high profile years as First Lady. You gotta appreciate that someone can learn a lot […]Read the full post >>