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Starting at Square 1-1-11


Starting at Square 1

Today is the first day of the first month of the first year in the new decade. 1-1-11. One, one, one-one.

I’m intrigued at all those ones, lined up in a neat little row. It’s like pulling the lever of time and coming up all cherries–we win!

  • We win because we get another chance to change our lives at work, and take back the clarity, confidence, and control that the past few years have sucked away. (That’s the focus of our work here at Red Cape Revolution, by the way, so stick around.)
  • We win because we can f-i-n-a-l-l-y dump the trendy, Debbie-Downer attitudes others around us have taken on and face the new year on its own merits.
  • We win because we can reboot, restart, rethink, reframe, revisit, readjust, realign, react and realize all aspects of our work and life in fresh new ways, right now.

We start at square one, one, one-one. And, by this time next year, end with won, won, won-won.

(By the way, 1-1-11 also means square one for us here at the Red Cape Revolution. We’ve been in creation, experiment and kink-working-out mode, and still have a ways to go to create the content and experience that can help you bring your superpowers to work each and every day. But we’re excited about what’s already here, available exclusively to Red Cape Revolution members, including the ebook “How to Thrive in the New World of Work: Ten Simple Ideas You Can Use Right Now” and our Superpower Statement Generator which includes audio coaching to help you discover what’s unique and amazing about you! Just join as a member (hey, it’s free!!) and you can download these tools immediately. We’ll also keep you posted on our progress, and invite you to special Q&A calls where you can ask questions about your own workplace challenges. But we’re glad you’re here right now!)

What’s your plan to take one, one, one-one into won, won, won-won this year? What do you need to do, learn, stop doing, unlearn? We love seeing your comments, ideas, and stories as we grow our community and welcome in an amazing new year!!

One response to “Starting at Square 1-1-11”

  1. “We start at square one, one, one-one. And, by this time next year, end with won, won, won-won.” Hey, that is very clever. Well said!