Hi IABC Charlotte! Thanks for being part of our webinar, whether you attended live or are here watching the replay here:
Now, I’ve got other resources for you, too
Use & share these tools now to support your career success.
If you need more ENCOURAGEMENT in times of great change:
Read my article:
Watch Your Language: How to Talk to Yourself in Times of Crisis
If you need to build your CONFIDENCE:
If it’s time to ramp up your NETWORKING:
I’ve Written the Networking Emails for You (So You Can Start Now)
And be sure you’re part of my Insider Community right now--I’m developing a series of “networking nudges” to help all of us!
If you need to get your ideas HEARD:
If you’re ready for confidential, non-judgmental support in your life at work, schedule a no-cost, no-obligation chat with me:
Just hit the button below, and pick a date and time that’s available. There’s nothing to prepare–just show up right where you are. If, after we talk, it sounds like one of my coaching programs or courses will help you going forward, I’ll share details after our call. There’s no pressure -my goal is to be helpful immediately.
Spots fill up fast, though, so schedule yours now and start getting the support you deserve.