From time to time, my wonderful friends, family & former clients need just an hour of support, outside of any packages or programs we’re already working on professionally. I’m always happy to give whatever I can.
Sometimes, though, you’ve shared that you’d like a way to pay for my expertise (and I appreciate that, since it helps support our work creating and sharing all the free and low-cost tools we develop here at
I intentionally don’t work “by the hour.” But for someone special like you, I’ve set a single coaching session at $150. (Currently, my monthly retainer fee for new clients is $750.) You can use the button below to pay by credit card.
If you’d prefer to pay by check (and that’s fine, since we know you and like you!), email my team for the best snail mail address.
If it’s time for you to re-invest in a broader coaching package, contact me directly and we’ll set up a conversation to see what would work best for you.
Thanks so much for your past and present support of our work at Red Cape Revolution!