Yes, maybe you raised a glass (or three) on December 31. Maybe you’ve kicked the tree to the curb (literally–it’s trash day here.) And maybe you’re back to work, wondering “where the heck did 2012 go?”
Me too. So let’s not let it go, just yet. Hold on a little longer–and give yourself one last gift.
The gift to give yourself is a good look back at 2012. But I’m not suggesting the holiday brag letter (although you can see mine here) nor your end-of-year performance review (check out our Free Tools section for help with that).
Before memories of the year fade into the rearview mirror, I urge you to take a deeper look back at how far you’ve come through the lens of the three magic tools we coach, teach, and try to live here at
- Clarity
- Confidence
- Control.
To make it easy, I’ve created a tool you can use to look back on these and other great discoveries of last year. Download it below. Use it, share it, and have fun with it.
Download Your Free Look Back Tool HereIf you’ve been hanging out here with the rest of our red cape wearing peeps, my bet is you have things to celebrate in each area. Plus, I know from talking to many of you that you there are things you’re proud of doing–and proud of not doing. Brag on those things. (P.S. We love to hear about them on Facebook and in email, too!)
Capture when you’ve been wearing your red cape–it’s great information to take into the new year so you can create even more of those experiences in your workplace and career.
The download is simple–just a Word doc, so you can write as much or as little as comes to mind. Even if you only have ten minutes, set a timer, sequester your mental judge and just write, write, write. (Or, I have one client who likes to record verbal answers into his iPhone and listen back to them later. Whatever works for you is fine.)
If you have any trouble downloading it, email us.
Before you get too caught up in 2013, celebrate you in 2012. You’re why we’re here, and you’re amazing.
Download Your Free Look Back Tool HereYOUR TURN: What’s one thing you did in 2012 to wear your red cape and soar through your life and career? How did you get more clarity, build more confidence, take more control? We’d love to know. Tell us in the comments below or directly on Facebook.
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