Three. . .two. . .one. . . HAPPY NEW YEAR!! <smooch>
Okay, okay, I know, you haven’t gotten through Christmas and Hanukkah yet and are still tapping your foot at the door waiting for the UPS guy to arrive. But as the year winds down, it’s an excellent time to take a deep breath and look back at everything that’s happened for you this year.
I had this conversation with my own coach yesterday, gulping as I realized I’ve yet to really articulate and celebrate all the wonderful things that emerged in my work and my life in 2011. And there were some, I know . . . and I’m sure they’ll come to me. (Hmm. . no royal weddings, but hey, no Kardashian divorces, either.)
Funny though–I don’t seem to need any time to think to remember all the things that didn‘t happen. You too? Yup–it’s a stinky tendency of the human condition to notice what we’ve missed while overlooking what we already have. I am guilty, try as I might to always swim in the positive lane.
So, I need to invest some time in looking back at 2011 before I look too far ahead to 2012 (which is practically impossible with all the exciting things in the works here at, but I’m trying!). To make it easier on myself, I created this list of questions I’ll answer (or, more accurately, statements I’ll complete). As a holiday gift to you, I offer them to you for your own 2011 look back, too.
(If you prefer to do this kind of thinking on paper, you can download a worksheet with these questions here.)
- The thing I am the most proud that I did this year is . . .
- The thing I am most proud that I didn’t do this year is . . .
- The area I gained clarity in this year was . . .
- To create that clarity, I . . .
- In 2011, my confidence grew in these areas . . .
- To help my confidence grow, I . . . .
- In 2011, I took more control over . . .
- The easiest thing about the year was . . .
- The hardest thing about the year was . . .
- The best support I got during the year came from . . . .
- I’m proud to have worn my red cape this year when . . .
- If I could sum 2011 up in one final word, it would be . . . .
- If I could give myself one word of focus for 2012, it would be . . .
Make a discovery? Have a great accomplishment to share? Tell us on our Facebook page at or leave a reply on our blog below. And have a happy new year!!
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[…] Posted by Darcy Eikenberg, Founder on January 2nd, 2012 TweetThanks to all who tried out the Year-End Look Back (Red Cape Style) tool! It asks some slightly different questions to take stock of the year gone by. (If you missed it, […]