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Getting the People Right: Alex Greenwood of Lee Health Coconut Point

I don’t care where you live in the world—everybody’s talking about healthcare today. We talk about what it can do, what it costs, and where to get the services we need.Alex Greenwood of Lee Health & Coach Darcy

Well, here in Bonita, that conversation has accelerated recently. I’m recording this for you in the spring of 2019, and so just last year, two major health care properties opened in our town. And the crazy thing is that they’re practically across the street from each other.

(Okay, that street is Tamiami Trail, otherwise known as US 41, and crossing that street on foot might just land you in one of those new emergency rooms.)

Lee Health Coconut PointBut truth is, we now have what I’ve been calling a healthcare hub here in Bonita. In these first three episodes of the podcast this season, I’ll introduce you to leaders from all three of these healthcare resources that huddle around Coconut Road and 41.

First up is Alex Greenwood, who leads the work Lee Health Coconut Point. In this interview, Alex explains what it was like to plan and build this property from the ground up, and we spend time talking about how when you work to get the people right, you can get the rest of it right. It’s an interview you won’t want to miss.

Additional Resources

The Bonita Business Podcast is supported by the Spotlight News Magazine

It’s local news that shines a light on the people of Naples, Bonita Springs and Estero. Read the Spotlight at

Bonita Business Podcast is supported by Spotlight News Magazine

Thanks also to our sponsor, Woods, Weidenmiller, Michetti & Rudnick.

Jay Caudill of WWMR and Coach Darcy

Thanks our sponsor, Woods Weidenmiller Michetti RudnickReach their  Bonita Springs office and partner Jay Caudill at North Bay Village:
26381 S. Tamiami Trail, Unit 136
Bonita Springs, Florida 34134

Email Jay here, and tell him you heard him on the Bonita Business Podcast.

Have a question for our guest or about the podcast? Email Coach Darcy here.

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More about your host, Bonita Business Coach Darcy Eikenberg, PCC

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Our thanks to Jahann Cherubin of Cherub Star for podcast artwork design.

CherubStar with Jahann Cherubin

Find out more about your host, Bonita Business Coach Darcy Eikenberg

Find all the Bonita Business Podcast episodes here.