Focusing on Community Mission: Sara McCallum of Bonita Community Health Center
Here’s a business brain tickler for you. Let’s say you’re equally owned by two competing companies in the same industry –let’s call them North and South. You’re Central.
When you got started 20 years ago, neither North or South wanted to be where you were—central. But over the years, Central’s become the place to be.
Recently, both North and South built and opened their own locations—one at your backdoor, and one at your front.
What do you do then? Well, if you’re CEO Sara McCallum of Bonita Community Health Center, you get really, really clear on who you are and what your mission is—and you stay focused on that.
Sara’s a nurse with an MBA who’s been leading this multi-disciplined health care center for over seven years. The center is equally owned by Lee Health and NCH—both of whom built stand-alone facilities including much-needed emergency rooms in 2018. I was curious to learn how those expansions have impacted her team and the work they do there, and I know you’ll be interested to hear her thoughts, too.
Additional Resources
The Bonita Business Podcast is supported by the Spotlight News Magazine
Thanks also to our sponsor, Woods, Weidenmiller, Michetti & Rudnick.
Reach their Bonita Springs office and partner Jay Caudill at North Bay Village:
26381 S. Tamiami Trail, Unit 136
Bonita Springs, Florida 34134
Email Jay here, and tell him you heard him on the Bonita Business Podcast.
Have a question for our guest or about the podcast? Email Coach Darcy here.
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More about your host, Bonita Business Coach Darcy Eikenberg, PCC
Additional Appreciation
Our thanks to Jahann Cherubin of Cherub Star for podcast artwork design.