Today we celebrate Christopher Columbus’s discovery of America. And whether or not you believe that he actually did it (just ask Amerigo Vespucci’s relatives), we celebrate that discovery today.
Word is Columbus didn’t know exactly what he was about to discover, or what he discovered when he did (some legends claim he thought America was China.) But he discovered something that changed his perspective, his life, and his legacy.
Many of you are ready for a discovery, too–although you’re not sure what it will be or where it will lead you. But in honor of today’s discovery history, I offer a few ideas for your next discovery. Might it be . . .
- The clarity to believe you can bring your superpowers to work, that you don’t have to apologize for how amazingly wonderful you really are?
- The permission to stop listening to the voices that say you’re not good enough to get ahead, earn new opportunities, or to grow your pay?
- The more honest way to brag on yourself to a new client, colleague, or employer?
- The courage to get out from behind your computer and go meet someone new in your industry or profession?
- The right way to ask for the support or advice that you need?
- The confidence to say no to the new opportunity that looks good on paper but that would be a disaster in your personal life?
- The guts to take control and help your manager, rather than watching him or her fall?
- The mindset to stop feeling stuck and overwhelmed and to move into action instead?
It’s a good time to do some discovery. Who knows–maybe we’ll be celebrating YOU someday.
YOUR TURN: What do you need to discover, and what have you discovered lately? Tell us by replying below or share on Facebook or Twitter.