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How to Get Noticed Without Networking: 5 Simple Actions

Get noticed. Red Cape Revolution can help

Ever wonder how to get noticed more at work and in your profession? Sara did. Here’s her question:

“I’d like to get noticed for the good work I’m doing, both inside my company and externally. But I’m kind of shy and I don’t have a lot of time to do a lot of networking. Are there ways I can get noticed—in a good way?”

Here’s my answer. Click here to download the PDF of this article.

 How to Get Noticed Without Networking

Do you long to get noticed for the work you’re doing? Here are five fast and easy tips that will get you and your work the attention you deserve.

1. Post a weekly update to LinkedIn.

If you’re ignoring the power of social giant LinkedIn, do so at your own career peril.

Based on August 2013 data, LinkedIn is the 10th most visited site in the world, with over 200 million members and an average of 45 million profiles visited each day. Why not yours?

There are thousands of articles and classes out there about how to make your profile better (this infographic from LinkedIn itself is a good place to start), but one of the best tools to get noticed is to post a weekly update.Get noticed by updating your LinkedIn status --from Darcy Eikenberg

A weekly update gives you a place to regularly, consistently share good things that are happening to you, in your own words. It allows your connections to see what’s new with you, and gives potential recruiters more information about the kinds of projects you’ve been working on and successes you’ve had.

Secretly, it also tells LinkedIn you’re a more active user, and they’ll show your profile to others more often when you are.

Their own data cites that you’re ten times more likely to be contacted for new opportunities if you share at least once a week (more from LinkedIn directly here).

“But I have no idea what to share!”

Are you really that boring? I think not. Use these lines as food for thought.

  • Looking forward to . . . . this week.
  • Proud to be involved in . . . . this week.
  • Excited to be able to . . .  this week.
  • I’ll be leading/doing/figuring out/managing . .  . this week. Any advice?
  • Appreciating the support of [someone’s name, or a group you’re involved in] this week. (Note: if you’re connected to that individual on LinkedIn, you can highlight them by adding the @ sign in front of their name, such as @DarcyEikenberg.)
  • What’s your best tip for [situation where you need ideas or help]?

“No one cares what I have to say.”

Really? Then why should you try to be noticed at all?!

(Sound of me gently slapping you across the cheeks–you pick which ones). Snap out of it. That’s a mindset trap. Don’t fall into it.

You have plenty of interesting and valuable things to share–even if it’s just your perspective or an experience. Remember, the entire social media movement has happened because people are longing for connection, and knowing more about what you’re doing and thinking is one way to connect.

Finally, this is about consistency, not brilliance. Share regularly and over time you’ll see a change in how people see you. After all, trust=truth/time.

Not sure if your LinkedIn profile is working for you? Sign up for your personalized LinkedIn Profile Video Review here.

 2. Practice the art of bragging.

If you’ve followed our work here at Red Cape Revolution, you know I’m a fan of bragging on yourself. But first, you have to learn the secrets of how to brag so others don’t gag.

For a refresher—or for those of you new to our blog—get an overview from this video from our suite of Free Tools on improving your communication, visibility and impact.

3. Don’t be a Facebook lurker. Like, share and comment.

Let’s face it—you’re already spending time on Facebook, right? (Okay, my mom and the other three of you who aren’t on Facebook can skip to action #4. But you don’t know what you’re missing.)

Even if you’re not an active Facebook user, the odds are you’re at least what I call a lurker. You surf and sort through your friends’ updates to keep abreast of their lives, but you don’t get involved.

How to get noticed without networking | Get ideas at Red Cape RevolutionFair enough. There’s no law against lurking. But if you want to elevate your exposure level, you can leverage your lurk by getting involved with the good content your friends share.

When you like, share, and comment, you basically say to your friends, “Hey, I found this worthwhile and I hope you will too.” By interacting with the content, you also send a thank you and encouragement to that person to share more stuff like that.

Finally, Facebook’s famous algorithms also show you more of what you like (and show you people’s comments you like/share/comment on most).  So if you want Facebook to show you more of the valuable, interesting stuff and not your cousin’s Farmville requests, stop lurking and do some clicking.

4. Write a [paper] thank you note.

Want something that will be noticed–and remembered? Handwrite a thank you note. On paper. (Yes, that flat stuff.) It’s faster and easier than you think.

In your busy head, you think this takes time, and so you don’t do it. But it’s one piece of magic that will live on and make you famous.How to get noticed: write a thank you note | Red Cape Revolution

You don’t even need mailing addresses to make this work (although I often collect that data at the start of a project when I’m gathering cell phone and email data). You can leave a sealed snail mail-esque note on someone’s desk chair, keyboard, or in their internal mailbox. (In large companies, it’s an awfully nice surprise to open one of those ugly brown interoffice envelopes and find a sweet little card or note inside. Much better than the typical report or binder that usually travels in those.)

Who’s ready for thanks from you? Don’t wait–write the note today.

5. Smile more.

Seriously. People will wonder why you’re so damned happy. And that makes them notice you, watch you (what’s she thinking?) and in general, want to be around you more. And when people want to be around you, that’s how to get noticed.

It’s not hard, it’s free, and it works. So give us a grin, won’t you?

Hey—want more help?

No matter what’s happening in your life at work, a 30-minute chat with me can help you get unstuck and move forward, fast. 

Just hit the button below, and pick a date and time that’s available. Answer a few short questions, and then I’ll call you at the time you picked. There’s nothing to prepare–just show up right where you are. If, after we talk, it sounds like one of my coaching programs or courses will help you going forward, I’ll share details after our call. There’s no pressure -my goal is to be helpful immediately.

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4 responses to “How to Get Noticed Without Networking: 5 Simple Actions”

  1. Great article, Darcy!
    I’d add to write a regular newsletter, like you and I do. It ensures that you stay in touch with the people you want to do business with so you’ll be fresh in their minds when the timing is right.

  2. Thanks, Tricia! Yes, especially for entrepreneurs, independent consultants, and anyone with a deep expertise in a particular area, an email-based newsletter provides a great keep-in-touch strategy to share ideas and regularly show up in front of others (at least virtually in their inbox). For people working in corporate environments, an idea to consider is a regular internal email “newsletter” (or memo) capturing or curating something unique and important to you within your area of expertise.

    For example, in the global HR consulting firm I used to work for, a business development leader started writing regular emails sharing the best sales wins of late, including the real-life human stories about what got them there. It wasn’t overproduced or overmanaged–he just wrote it himself because he was interested in sharing. No one asked him to write it, nor did he ask permission.

    People loved it. Soon he started doing it monthly, and not only reinforced his internal reputation as a sales expert, but he also grew his leadership reach by offering others ideas through the stories on how to create their own successes.

    Thanks for making me think further about this great tool, Tricia!

  3. Love this article Darcy…I’m not engaged as much as I want to be on Facebook and LinkedIn (and now see that I SHOULD be more) — I’m making a weekly commitment to post a update on LinkedIn (among other things I will now start doing)- Thanks!

  4. Thanks, Ashley. LinkedIn is really a LOT easier than many people think, and professionals are spending time there to connect with other like-minded people. Good luck with the weekly update–make it easy and have fun with it!