Discover Your Superpowers at Work: Your Superpower Sprint (Free Video Training)

Discover Your Superpowers at Work_ Your Superpower Sprint

Is it finally time to discover your superpowers at work? It is, if: You’re no longer sure about  the things that make you unique and special. You’re thinking about what’s next for you, but you’re not exactly sure what that looks like. You want to more effectively talk about who you are when you’re at […]Read the full post >>

“Should I Leave If I’m Still Not Clear What I Want?”Reader Q [VIDEO]

Should I Leave if I'm Not Clear Red Cape Revolution

During a live webinar for my Insider Community, a viewer asked, “Should I leave my job, even if I’m not clear on my long-term plan?” I’ve answered answers here, sharing guiding principles you can use to make your best career decisions. In the video, I reference both my latest book, “Red Cape Rescue: Save Your […]Read the full post >>

Feeling Stuck in Your Career? 21 Beliefs Keeping You There

Feeling stuck in your career _ Red Cape Revolution

Feeling stuck in your career? You’re not alone. In my line of work as a leadership and career coach, I talk to successful professionals every day who tell me they’re feeling stuck in their career. If you’ve ever been there, it’s a craptastic feeling. And while each person’s specific situation might be slightly different, there’s […]Read the full post >>

How to Get Clear on What You Want (Career Advice Mini-Training Video)

Get clear on what you want in your career _ mini training with Coach Darcy Eikenberg

When I’m asked for career advice, one of the questions I get often is “how do I figure out what I should do next in my career?” My answer is always to start with getting clear on what you want. In this mini-training (10 min., 43 seconds), I share more about why clarity is often […]Read the full post >>

Don’t Update Your Resume. Start Doing This Instead

Don't Update Your Resume: Do This Instead | Red Cape Revolution

Laid off, furloughed, or just knowing it’s time to look for what’s next?  Just promise me one thing. Don’t update your resume. I know, I know. That’s the FIRST thing most people think they’re supposed to do, right? And unfortunately, it’s still the advice too many well-meaning but out-of-date career counselors offer. But it’s the […]Read the full post >>

The Missing Piece to Your Job Success [VIDEO]

If something in your work’s not working for you, listen up. It may have nothing to do with your work. Yes, your actual day-to-day work—the stuff you get done using your superpowers, strengths and skills—might be the perfect work for you. You may be in a great company and work with great people. In fact, […]Read the full post >>

Introvert? Extrovert? It’s the Genius of Opposites: Interview with Author Jennifer Kahnweiler

Introvert or extrovert How they can work together, with Jennifer Kahnweiler (2)

“You read my t-shirt. That’s enough social interaction for one day.” Yup, that’s the shirt I gave my sister a few years ago, as my way of finally showing her I understood and appreciated her need for quiet, for space, and for not sharing every thought she was having every second she has it. Like […]Read the full post >>

How to Make This the Year YOU Get Career Clear

What if this were the year you got career clear? join our master class

Stories, I hear stories. . . Mattie had been working really hard, responsible for several million dollars of business in her company. Her clients loved her, her team respected her, and she enjoyed her work. She expected that her results would earn her the next promotion. The promotion cycle came—and went—without a promotion for Mattie. […]Read the full post >>